
En quoi l’hydratation est importante pour les sportifs ? (Transpiration : perte en eau & minéraux).

The sedentary adult wastes 2 to 3 liters of water per day. Elimination occurs through urine (1 to 1.5 liters), breathing (300 to 600 ml), sweating at rest (400 to...

The sedentary adult wastes 2 to 3 liters of water per day. Elimination occurs through urine (1 to 1.5 liters), breathing (300 to 600 ml), sweating at rest (400 to...

On vous donne la solution contre les crampes !

We give you the solution against cramps! Why do I have cramps? What are they caused by? Cramps are involuntary contractions of the muscles. During an episode of cramps, the...

We give you the solution against cramps! Why do I have cramps? What are they caused by? Cramps are involuntary contractions of the muscles. During an episode of cramps, the...

altitude sport deshydratation

How does altitude affect your metabolism? General information on metabolism: The second most important element after oxygen, water is the main constituent of our body, representing 60 to 70% of...

How does altitude affect your metabolism? General information on metabolism: The second most important element after oxygen, water is the main constituent of our body, representing 60 to 70% of...

Hiver sport hydratation eau

Winter sports and dehydration: If we generally think about hydrating well in summer , we tend to lose this reflex with the arrival of cold weather, but the body is...

Winter sports and dehydration: If we generally think about hydrating well in summer , we tend to lose this reflex with the arrival of cold weather, but the body is...

A quoi servent les boissons isotoniques et comment ca marche ?

What is an isotonic drink ? A drink is said to be isotonic when it contains the same concentration of particles as blood. The osmolarity is between 270 and 330...

What is an isotonic drink ? A drink is said to be isotonic when it contains the same concentration of particles as blood. The osmolarity is between 270 and 330...

La meilleure boisson pour le sportif d'endurance : Avis Hydratis

Endurance sport: Hydratis review, electrolyte solution to maintain your energy Whether you are a beginner or an experienced cyclist, marathon, trail or triathlon athlete, you have probably already found yourself...

Endurance sport: Hydratis review, electrolyte solution to maintain your energy Whether you are a beginner or an experienced cyclist, marathon, trail or triathlon athlete, you have probably already found yourself...

Boisson énergisante vs boisson énergétique

What is the difference between an energy drink and an energy drink? Energy drink and Energy drink: 2 words which sound very close but yet semantically very different. This difference...

What is the difference between an energy drink and an energy drink? Energy drink and Energy drink: 2 words which sound very close but yet semantically very different. This difference...


Aches, cramps, muscle pain following physical exertion We dissect with you this frequent and yet misunderstood “phenomenon”! What is a muscle soreness? Body aches are defined as pain, muscle stiffness...

Aches, cramps, muscle pain following physical exertion We dissect with you this frequent and yet misunderstood “phenomenon”! What is a muscle soreness? Body aches are defined as pain, muscle stiffness...

Prévenir les crampes

What is a cramp and how to relieve it? We have all felt that intense pain in a muscle, like a contraction, which wakes us up in the middle of...

What is a cramp and how to relieve it? We have all felt that intense pain in a muscle, like a contraction, which wakes us up in the middle of...

Hydratis_boisson-de-l'effort_boisson energetique_boisson énergisante_hydratation_minéraux

A 2% weight loss due to dehydration during exercise reduces an athlete's physical capacity by 20%. Hydration before, during and after exercise is one of the keys not to be...

A 2% weight loss due to dehydration during exercise reduces an athlete's physical capacity by 20%. Hydration before, during and after exercise is one of the keys not to be...

boisson isotonique

Isotonic or hypotonic drink: How to choose to maximize your performance? We often hear that we should hydrate ourselves well on a daily basis by drinking at least 1.5 L...

Isotonic or hypotonic drink: How to choose to maximize your performance? We often hear that we should hydrate ourselves well on a daily basis by drinking at least 1.5 L...

Boisson isotonique triathlon

Endurance, hydration and performance: Exercise drink Hydration is an important point not to be neglected for endurance athletes. It serves to compensate for water and electrolyte losses. Replenishing these losses...

Endurance, hydration and performance: Exercise drink Hydration is an important point not to be neglected for endurance athletes. It serves to compensate for water and electrolyte losses. Replenishing these losses...

La reprise du sport post-confinement : comment s’y prendre et l'importance de l'hydratation - HYDRATIS

France is gradually becoming less confined... Have you left aside physical activity during confinement and do you feel that it is time to resume sport? Here is a practical guide...

France is gradually becoming less confined... Have you left aside physical activity during confinement and do you feel that it is time to resume sport? Here is a practical guide...