
Le rôle des électrolytes dans l’hydratation du corps

Electrolytes are key elements in health and nutrition. Through this article we will try to explain the nature and role of the different electrolytes in hydration. From the understanding of...

Electrolytes are key elements in health and nutrition. Through this article we will try to explain the nature and role of the different electrolytes in hydration. From the understanding of...

Boisson électrolyte maison : comment la préparer facilement ?

Electrolyte drinks have been all the rage for a while now, especially in the sports world. Most of the time, they are purchased in stores, but today, we are going...

Electrolyte drinks have been all the rage for a while now, especially in the sports world. Most of the time, they are purchased in stores, but today, we are going...

Électrolytes bienfaits : pourquoi sont-ils essentiels pour votre santé ?

Electrolytes are often mentioned when it comes to exercise or hydration , but their function and benefits can sometimes be unclear. What are electrolytes and why are they essential for...

Electrolytes are often mentioned when it comes to exercise or hydration , but their function and benefits can sometimes be unclear. What are electrolytes and why are they essential for...

Déséquilibre électrolytique : qu'est-ce-que c'est et comment y remédier ?

We often hear about the importance of electrolytes for the body. But what does that mean and why are they important for our health? In this article, we will answer...

We often hear about the importance of electrolytes for the body. But what does that mean and why are they important for our health? In this article, we will answer...

Le sucre est-il nécessaire pour l'hydratation ?

Is sugar necessary for hydration? Hydration is a vital process, especially in cases of significant fluid losses due to, for example, intense physical activity, episodes of gastroenteritis, diarrhea or vomiting....

Is sugar necessary for hydration? Hydration is a vital process, especially in cases of significant fluid losses due to, for example, intense physical activity, episodes of gastroenteritis, diarrhea or vomiting....

Boisson hypotonique, isotonique, hypertonique : quelles différences ?

When you're active, whether it's training, working, or just going about your daily life, maintaining adequate hydration is essential to staying healthy and performing at your best. Here's some information...

When you're active, whether it's training, working, or just going about your daily life, maintaining adequate hydration is essential to staying healthy and performing at your best. Here's some information...

Quelle eau contient des électrolytes ?

Water , an essential resource for our body, comes in various forms, each with its unique characteristics. Not all water is the same, some stand out for their enrichment in...

Water , an essential resource for our body, comes in various forms, each with its unique characteristics. Not all water is the same, some stand out for their enrichment in...

Est-il bon de boire des électrolytes ?

  Electrolytes play a crucial role in the proper functioning of our bodies, regulating essential functions such as fluid balance, electrical conductivity, and the proper functioning of muscles and nerves....

  Electrolytes play a crucial role in the proper functioning of our bodies, regulating essential functions such as fluid balance, electrical conductivity, and the proper functioning of muscles and nerves....

Quelle est la différence entre l’eau minérale et l’eau du robinet ? Quelle est l’importance des minéraux pour le corps et dans le processus d’hydratation ?

Does tap water contain minerals? In France, tap water is safe to drink. However, many preconceived ideas still circulate about it, which pushes the population to buy bottled mineral water,...

Does tap water contain minerals? In France, tap water is safe to drink. However, many preconceived ideas still circulate about it, which pushes the population to buy bottled mineral water,...

Trop s'hydrater représente un danger ? Pas de panique, on vous explique !

Too much hydration = Danger? What are the benefits of drinking plenty of water? The human body is 70% water, therefore hydration is essential for physiological homeostasis. Furthermore, body water...

Too much hydration = Danger? What are the benefits of drinking plenty of water? The human body is 70% water, therefore hydration is essential for physiological homeostasis. Furthermore, body water...

La science des solutés de réhydratation orale : Avis Hydratis

The science of rehydration solutions Rehydration solutions are drinks used to prevent dehydration but also in cases of mild dehydration. In this article we will see how dehydration can occur...

The science of rehydration solutions Rehydration solutions are drinks used to prevent dehydration but also in cases of mild dehydration. In this article we will see how dehydration can occur...

Boisson de l'effort : hypotonique, isotonique : quelle différence ?

Electrolytes in sport: isotonic or hypotonic drink? Whether you are a beginner or a seasoned athlete, from Sunday jogging to triathlon, hydration is an important element to take into account...

Electrolytes in sport: isotonic or hypotonic drink? Whether you are a beginner or a seasoned athlete, from Sunday jogging to triathlon, hydration is an important element to take into account...

Comment identifier les symptômes et les types de déshydratation ?

Intracellular, extracellular and generalized dehydration Dehydration is the result of a loss of salt and water isotonic to the plasma, not compensated by intake. The appearance of dehydration results from...

Intracellular, extracellular and generalized dehydration Dehydration is the result of a loss of salt and water isotonic to the plasma, not compensated by intake. The appearance of dehydration results from...

Qu’est-ce qu’une boisson isotonique ?

Perhaps you have already heard of so-called exercise, sports or energy drinks, all of these names refer to the “ isotonic ” drink. A drink is isotonic when its osmolarity...

Perhaps you have already heard of so-called exercise, sports or energy drinks, all of these names refer to the “ isotonic ” drink. A drink is isotonic when its osmolarity...

Hydratis-Jérémy Boué-Europe1-radio-hydratation-startup-innovation

Hydratis electrolytes, the key to daily hydration Find the interview of Jérémy Boué on Europe 1, co-founder of Hydratis live on the show La France Bouge. The French company has...

Hydratis electrolytes, the key to daily hydration Find the interview of Jérémy Boué on Europe 1, co-founder of Hydratis live on the show La France Bouge. The French company has...