Winter sports and dehydration

Winter sports and dehydration:
If we generally think about hydrating well in summer , we tend to lose this reflex with the arrival of cold weather, but the body is subject to the same water stress as in summer. Indeed, our body needs a regular supply of water all year round, regardless of the weather or the season, to ensure the proper functioning of our body.
In winter, the cold, drier air at altitude contributes to the drying out of the skin, hair and mucous membranes and the feeling of thirst is also reduced. So you shouldn't just rely on it. To add to this, we have more urge to urinate and therefore believe we are drinking enough. Unfortunately, the urge to urinate is, among other things, regulated in the kidneys by the antidiuretic hormone which limits the loss of water in the urine. This is inhibited when there is an increase in blood pressure such as during periods of cold. Indeed, when the cold hits our skin, it triggers vasoconstriction. There are other causes of dehydration, notably physical activity which naturally consumes water, through sweating, breathing and muscular energy. But we must not underestimate the effects of sun exposure, less accessibility to drinks, all factors which will draw down water capital to deplete it. Let's not forget that fighting the cold consumes energy
Dehydration mechanism:
Winter sports require significant physical effort: the muscles are very stressed by skiing or snowboarding. Their work produces heat that must be removed to allow thermal regulation of your body. Thus, sweating helps regulate your body temperature by causing a loss of fluid and electrolytes (sodium, magnesium, potassium, etc.). This promotes dehydration with water losses which can vary between 0.5L to 1.5L per hour depending on the intensity of the effort.
However, low to moderate dehydration has significant consequences for the athlete and can lead to: reduced energy and less endurance, cramps, risk of injury, poorer recovery. In fact, 2% dehydration represents a 20% drop in performance!
Prepare before your stay at the ski resort:
Want to have fun on the slopes this winter? To prepare yourself before skiing, it is important to stock up on energy: you sleep, and you eat a suitable diet, rich in slow carbohydrates and vegetables. So on the menu, three days before departure, pasta, rice, semolina, potatoes, lentils, chickpeas or split peas... for lunch and dinner.
The priority for dietary adaptations will be to prevent dehydration and hypoglycemia, which are two important factors in sports accidents and trauma, especially if physical preparation has been neglected previously.
When it comes to hydration, the main precaution will be to “think about it”. It is recommended to drink at least one liter (apart from meals) for a day of skiing. Several drinks can be indicated: water, fruit juice, or even flavored milk drinks;
Regarding energy intake, snacks should not be neglected, in the form of cereal or fruit bars for example, which will help restore energy reserves.
What types of drinks should you prefer?
During exercise and during physical activity, our body not only loses water, but also electrolytes essential to the functioning of our body, such as sodium which is the main constituent of sweat. The drinks consumed must therefore act quickly and well to avoid any dehydration and mineral salt deficiencies.
The carbohydrate content is also important to take into account because it provides energy to the body.
Therefore, the isotonic drink is ideal because it promotes intestinal absorption of water, carbohydrates and mineral salts. In addition, it acts quickly without loading the stomach which could cause feelings of bloating.
Consuming an isotonic carbohydrate-based energy drink is therefore an excellent way to optimize hydration , whether during exercise or recovery. And this, whether you practice an endurance sport or not. The objective of these drinks is to compensate for the loss of minerals and trace elements.
Hydratis is therefore your ally for your winter sports stays in the mountains. In fact, Hydratis tablets enrich your water with mineral salts, sodium and glucose as well as trace elements to create an ultra-hydrating drink while contributing to muscle recovery and reducing fatigue.