Hydratis, more hydrating than water alone!
It is important to maintain proper hydration to ensure optimal health and well-being. The Hydratis range of drinks offers a variety of natural flavors as well as minerals and trace elements for effective hydration. These drinks are low in sugar and easily digestible, making them very popular. Whether you're exercising, traveling, or just going about your daily life, Hydratis refreshing drinks keep you hydrated while enjoying yourself and without coloring. Even for seniors, Hydratis can be a great way to maintain sufficient hydration for optimal health.
Why is it important to stay well hydrated?
Water is essential for the proper functioning of our body. It makes up about 60% of our body and helps regulate body temperature, lubricate joints and tissues, maintain fluid balance, regulate thirst and control the elimination of waste through the kidneys. Drinking enough water also facilitates the transport of nutrients, hormones, enzymes and antibodies, improves intestinal transit and allows lubrication of stools for healthy and efficient digestion. Dehydration can lead to health problems such as urolithiasis, making it important to drink enough water.
To maintain a healthy heart and reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease, it is important to maintain adequate hydration. It also helps maintain healthy blood pressure, improve blood circulation and prevent blood clots. Additionally, hydration can improve cognitive functions such as memory, concentration, responsiveness, creativity and decision-making. Decreased hydration can lead to decreased alertness and mental performance, which is why maintaining adequate hydration is crucial to improving our ability to complete mental tasks.
Water is also essential for the health of our skin, hair and nails. It helps maintain hydrated, soft and radiant skin, while preventing dryness and wrinkles. It prevents breakage, split ends, dandruff and itchy scalp, while making your hair look shiny and strong. It can improve the health of your nails by making them stronger and less brittle, maintaining flexibility and preventing fungal infections and dry, painful cuticles.
What is the difference between Hydratis and mineral water?
To maintain good hydration, it is important to drink water regularly. Hydratis products are an interesting alternative to mineral water because their composition of minerals and electrolytes, such as magnesium, calcium, potassium, sodium chloride and zinc, gives them superior hydration capacity. Minerals play a key role in the body's absorption of water and maintaining osmotic balance. They facilitate the body's absorption of water while maintaining the balance between fluids inside and outside the cells. Hydratis solutions are isotonic drinks designed to maximize daily body hydration, following WHO recommendations for nutrition and oral rehydration solution.
Minerals such as magnesium, potassium, chloride, zinc and manganese are all present and in ideal concentrations in Hydratis solutions. They play an important role in maintaining health and well-being. For example, magnesium helps reduce brain fatigue and strengthens bone strength, while potassium has beneficial effects on the neurological and muscular system while preventing cramps. Chloride helps with digestion, while zinc is an antioxidant that strengthens the immune system. Finally, manganese is a natural anti-fatigue and antioxidant.
Hydratis solutions also contain dextrose, a simple sugar that makes Hydratis an energy drink and improves the absorption of other nutrients into the bloodstream, such as electrolytes and minerals. Unlike mineral water which has a neutral taste and weak flavor, Hydratis solutions offer a wide choice of different tastes that are pleasant to drink. With flavors such as lemongrass, ginger, coconut, honey lemon, peach, forest fruits, lemon elderflower, Hydratis solutions allow you to vary your pleasures while staying hydrated. Customer reviews are unanimous on the quality of the flavors offered, thus offering a refreshing and tasty alternative to mineral water, thus encouraging regular hydration and in sufficient quantity.
How to use Hydratis?
Hydratis is a simple and practical solution for daily hydration. The effervescent tablets can be dissolved in 500mL of water, making them ideal for the elderly and travelers, who are often at greater risk of dehydration. By taking a lozenge in the morning and evening, you can help your body rehydrate and eliminate toxins accumulated overnight. This can help you start and end your day in good conditions.
For people who have regular physical activity , Hydratis is also a practical and effective product. The tablets can be added to a water bottle for optimal hydration during your sport, helping to prevent fatigue and headaches caused by dehydration. By consuming two tablets in your water bottle, making Hydratis your sports drink, you can easily replenish electrolytes lost through sweat. Hydratis helps restore electrolyte balance and rehydrate your body, improving your endurance and recovery. By taking your exercise drink, you can reduce the risk of cramps and aches.
Finally, for people who consume alcohol, Hydratis can be of great help. Alcohol is a powerful diuretic that can cause dehydration. By taking two lozenges in a glass of water before bed and when you wake up, you can help your body rehydrate and recover from a night of drinking. In summary, Hydratis is a simple, effective and versatile product to help maintain optimal hydration wherever you are.
It is important to maintain good hydration to stay healthy and feel good. Hydratis solutions contain electrolytes that help restore ion balance in the body, allowing you to rehydrate more effectively. These hydrating drinks are especially useful for people who exercise regularly or are exposed to high temperatures. In short, Hydratis offers a practical and effective alternative to mineral water to stay well hydrated and in good health!