How to fight against summer heat waves and avoid heatstroke?

What tips are there to combat the summer heat?
Episodes of intense heat are happening more and more frequently and are trying for the body, although it has a natural system to combat rising temperatures. Despite this, some people are less able to cope with rising temperatures, while others are particularly vulnerable to them. Fortunately, there are solutions to help the body adapt and avoid all the inconveniences that heat can cause. Before giving you tips for dealing with it, let's see how the body adapts to rising temperatures and what inconveniences they can cause.
Nature is well made since the body has mechanisms to maintain its constant temperature, even when it is hot. Man is a so-called homeothermic being, that is to say he has the capacity to maintain a constant average temperature, this one is close to 37.5 degrees. To do this, he is equipped with a thermoregulation system that is triggered if the external temperature tends to threaten the balance of the internal temperature.
In case of high temperatures, the body sets up a series of heat exchanges in order to cause a loss of heat and therefore cool the body. There are 4 main types of heat exchanges:
- Evaporation: this is probably the most well-known means of cooling for the general public. This heat exchange is possible thanks to perspiration: a thin film of sweat is formed on the skin, bringing it freshness. But it is by evaporating that the sweat will allow the dissipation of heat and therefore the cooling of the body. Furthermore, this perspiration can be excessive if it is very hot. It then causes itching and small pimples on the skin.
- Radiation: Man is able to cool himself simply by emitting radiation, it is this radiation which is visible in an infrared camera.
- Convection: when faced with heat, we observe a dilation of the blood vessels. This dilation allows heat to be conducted towards the skin and facilitates thermal exchanges with the outside: the blood is cooled. In other words, there is a transfer of heat towards the outside environment.
- Conduction: This heat exchange is very simple, when it comes into contact with an object with a temperature lower than that of the body, we observe a transfer of heat from the hottest medium to the least hot. This is why it is not uncommon to see your pet slumped on the cool tiles during the summer.
The degree of efficiency of the thermoregulation system is intra-individual, some tolerate heat better than others. Despite an efficient thermoregulation system, heat has a significant impact on the body.
The major disorder caused by high temperatures on the body is dehydration. The clinical signs are numerous and easily identifiable. It causes:
- A feeling of thirst
- Dries out mucous membranes (pasty mouth)
- Headaches
- Very tired.
- Weight loss that reflects a lack of water in the body because it represents 60% of body mass in adults.
- Hypotension. Water is the major component of blood, a drop in water in the body leads to a drop in blood volume. Blood flow is reduced which can have harmful consequences for organs that no longer have a sufficient supply of oxygen and nutrients.
- Significant drop in physical energy.
Dehydration is a lack of water and mineral salts. This causes a series of symptoms, listed above, but it has another serious consequence for the body. Indeed, it will no longer be able to cool itself effectively since it will no longer be able to produce sweat which requires both water and electrolytes. The physical thermoregulatory system can no longer use evaporation to lose heat and risks heat stroke. The symptoms of heat stroke are as follows:
- Severe headache
- Fever
- Nausea and vomiting
- Vertigo
- Behavioral disorder
Rehydration and lowering body temperature become vital. This heat stroke can be fatal for people who are particularly at risk from heat. This is the case for infants, young children and the elderly because these age groups are more susceptible to dehydration.
· In infants and young children, this is explained by a higher proportion of water in the body: it reaches 75%. Thus, cutaneous water loss is increased. They also have a higher metabolism, which leads to greater water loss. They therefore need a much more frequent water intake compared to adults, but many children do not have the reflex to drink and infants can hardly communicate the sensation of thirst.
· In seniors, the proportion of water in the body is reduced, reaching 50%. Similarly, with age, there is a loss of the sensation of thirst which can be very dangerous since the elderly person will not realize their state of dehydration and will not have the reflex to hydrate themselves sufficiently.
Finally, heat upsets the body physically but also mentally. It affects the brain and causes a decline in cognitive functions leading to a drop in productivity. It also impacts morale and can cause anxiety, nervousness, a drop in the quality of sleep (insomnia). In the long term, these effects can lead to depression. Fortunately, there are many effective solutions to cool down and cope with rising temperatures.
The most effective way to avoid the adverse effects of heat is hydration. If the thermometer rises, it is essential to increase your water consumption throughout the day. This means increasing your water intake but also its frequency. However, be careful not to drink too much, because too much water can also be harmful to the body. The optimal amount of water is between 1.5 and 2.5 liters of water per day for a sedentary individual. You should not wait until you feel thirsty to hydrate yourself, because this is already a sign of dehydration. To reach this quota, there are many tips such as putting ice cubes in your drinks but also drinking tea or water flavored with lemon zest for example. Water consumption also comes from diet, especially through fresh fruits and vegetables which are rich in both water and minerals.
Hydration is made easier with the Hydratis solution, which contains a precise formula that provides an adequate supply of minerals and trace elements, which promotes maximum water absorption. The body is rehydrated faster and more effectively than with water drunk alone. With the help of its senior range, designed and created for the elderly, Hydratis also provides enhanced hydration for people who particularly need it.
To combat the heat, in addition to hydration, it is also advisable to cool down, to help the body maintain its temperature:
- Nothing is better than taking reasonably cold showers, moistening your face and neck with a spray bottle or by splashing yourself with water. With a thin film of cool water on the skin, the body can increase the evaporation phenomenon to lower its temperature.
- It is also advisable to eat light in order to reduce the digestive load. Digestion makes the body consume a lot of energy and water, which can therefore be saved by eating easily digestible foods such as vegetables.
- You can also choose clothing made of light material, such as linen, which will promote air circulation.
- Above all, stay cool: lower the shutters during the day and avoid going out and doing sport during the hottest hours.
The most effective way to protect yourself against the heat, whatever the time of year, remains hydration. At all times, it is therefore advisable to maintain your level of hydration optimally, and more particularly, for people who are most sensitive to heat: children and the elderly. Hydratis is the first solution adapted from the age of 3 to hydrate effectively and which facilitates the hydration of seniors. It allows faster assimilation of liquids and is adapted to the physiological constraints of the elderly. Do not let the heat of the sun hinder your well-being any longer with the help of Hydratis lozenges with natural and fruity aromas.