Resuming sport post-lockdown: how to do it and the importance of hydration

France is gradually becoming less confined... Have you left aside physical activity during confinement and do you feel that it is time to resume sport?
Here is a practical guide of tips to follow in order to avoid any possible injury.
How to start returning to sport?
1) Get a health check-up
If you are over 35 for a man or 45 for a woman, it is strongly recommended that you have a comprehensive check-up with your doctor before resuming regular physical activity. This will allow you to take stock of your heart rate, your breathing as well as your potential deficiencies.
2) Start slowly and gradually
If you have lost the habit of exercising, it is important to resume it gradually.
No need to put pressure on yourself, it's about getting back into shape, not a marathon. The performances will come later.
3) Hydration
Staying hydrated during your workout is essential, otherwise you risk having cramps and/or pain . Water provides the nutrients necessary for the proper functioning of muscles and promotes the recovery process.
Know that 2% dehydration causes an energy drop of more than 20%.
Are you not used to drinking a lot of water or do you need additional hydration ?
Hydratis tablets allow you to obtain accelerated hydration by consuming a drink rich in mineral salts (including magnesium , potassium ) with a natural and fruity taste.
You will thus compensate for your deficiencies while gaining performance and endurance.
For optimal results, we advise you to dissolve two tablets in a bottle during training?
4) Set realistic goals
Listen to your body, if you feel that you no longer have the strength to continue, gradually stop your sporting activity. Stay focused and manage your training based on your own physical abilities, not those of your neighbor. Set achievable goals weekly or monthly.
5) Adopt good reflexes
At the start of the session, we drink to provide the nutrients necessary for the effort and we warm up in order to increase the body temperature and prepare our muscles to avoid cold injuries . It also helps prepare your brain for physical activity .
At the end of the session, we drink again to compensate for water losses linked to sweating which lead to a loss of electrolytes (or mineral salts ). It is important to get back into a rhythm little by little by breathing deeply, walking for a few minutes and finishing with stretching exercises without forcing. This phase tells your body that the session is over . You will thus be able to end the sports session in a calm manner.
6) Surround yourself well
If you like to play sports with others, don't hesitate to form a small team and, if you can, recruit a sports coach. This can be very motivating for everyone.
Surrounding yourself well also means having a good medical and paramedical network. Find an osteopath or physiotherapist who can advise you on the exercises to prioritize according to your posture and body type.
You are finally ready for a gentle return to sport in order to find a firm and healthy body this summer.