Hydration for adults: Rapid rehydration with Hydratis
Hydration in adults aged 50 and over is a health and well-being issue that should not be neglected
In 2018, a guideline from ESPEN (European Society for Clinical Nutrition and Metabolism) was published regarding nutrition and hydration in geriatrics. It states that women should drink at least 1.6 L of water per day and men 2.0 L of water per day. However, this recommendation is very rarely and almost never followed and therefore leads to more or less severe episodes of dehydration.
Good hydration is essential to maintain a stable physiological balance. It allows the proper functioning of the organs responsible for the evacuation of waste such as the kidneys
The symptoms of dehydration are well known; dry mouth, headaches, and low energy or muscle fatigue. In some cases, simply drinking enough water more regularly will be enough to remedy this. It is estimated that 3 out of 4 people experience one or more of these symptoms of dehydration on a daily basis without necessarily associating it with dehydration.
It is therefore necessary to be vigilant in all situations that could lead to a significant need for water, such as periods of high heat, heat waves, illnesses causing diarrhoea or vomiting or simply prolonged forgetfulness to hydrate. It is important to remember that it is advisable to drink 2L of water per day on average and more in the situations mentioned.
Why are seniors more prone to dehydration than adults?
In older people, the risk of dehydration is greater than in adults for a multitude of reasons:
First, the symptoms (or signals) become less and less perceptible, for example, the sensation of thirst is diminished, nevertheless, the physiological need is very real.
Second, water storage capacity reduces with age. Indeed, with age, lean mass as well as muscle mass decrease, which results in a decrease in overall water mass, and thus a lower amount of available water. Added to this may be greater water losses due to renal physiological alteration or the taking of diuretic medications.
All these factors, physiological and external, lead to the same conclusion: the risk of dehydration increases with age.
The alteration of the renal capacities of concentration and dilution of urine can be due to insufficient vascularization or even to the reduction of the nephron capital. This leads to a decrease in glomerular filtration. Among other things, the kidneys will need more water to eliminate as many toxins. If the quantity of water absorbed is not sufficient, there is therefore an accumulation of toxins in the body.
Elderly people therefore often find themselves faced with a real mismatch between intake and needs, leading to dehydration which can prove morbid or fatal in extreme cases.
It is for all these reasons that the hydration of seniors must be monitored, supported, and improved.
Hydratis 50+ is the first rehydration solution suitable for people aged 50 to 99+
Rehydration solutions increase the osmolarity of the liquid; and therefore the quantity of active particles in the latter. These molecules are said to be osmotically active when they cause a displacement of water, here this displacement allows intestinal absorption.
The Hydratis 50+ range is composed of glucose and several electrolytes (Sodium, Carbohydrates, Chloride, Potassium, Magnesium and Citrate), which allow better reabsorption of water and the supply of essential electrolytes for the well-being of patients.
- Sodium and Carbohydrates : Increases osmolarity to improve the body's absorption of fluids
- Potassium : Contributes to muscle recovery and proper functioning of the nervous system.
- Magnesium : Contributes to the reduction of fatigue, electrolyte balance and good muscle recovery.
- Chloride : Contributes to normal digestion through the production of hydrochloric acid in the stomach.
The scientific principle of rehydration solutions
Hydratis is an oral rehydration solution (ORS) whose main role is the rehydration of elderly people by promoting the intake and proper distribution of water in the body.
Indeed, the use of glucose and salt in oral rehydration solution preparations ensures the most rapid absorption of water and electrolytes in the intestine. The effectiveness of ORS is based on the ability of glucose to stimulate the absorption of sodium and fluid in the small intestine through a mechanism involving a process independent of cyclic AMP.
Electrolyte uptake occurs in villous cells, while secretion occurs in crypt cells. Increased intracellular cAMP (cyclic adenosine monophosphate) inhibits NaCl (sodium chloride) uptake in villous cells and stimulates active secretion of Cl (chlorine) and/or HCO3 (bicarbonate) in crypt cells.
In contrast, glucose-stimulated Na (sodium) uptake in villous cells is not affected by increases in intracellular cAMP. Thus, glucose enhances Na and fluid uptake despite persistent stimulation of Cl secretion and inhibition of NaCl uptake.
It is known that low electrolyte levels in dehydrated elderly people require the intake of isotonic fluids (fluids containing sodium, potassium and glucose concentrations similar to those of the body) or hypotonic fluids (fluids containing sodium, potassium and glucose concentrations lower than those of the body).
For elderly people who are vulnerable to certain electrolyte abnormalities, particularly sodium, potassium and magnesium, linked to age-related renal changes, it is useful to provide sufficient magnesium, in addition to sodium and potassium, in order to compensate for potential renal losses.
To overcome these electrolytic abnormalities, in the Hydratis 50+ product there is magnesium in the form of citrate which is ideal for its solubility in water, in order to improve the dissolution of the product in the drink. In addition, magnesium citrate contains a lower amount of magnesium (about 17%), which is ideal for limiting the risks of hypomagnesemia in the elderly.
Oral rehydration of the elderly can therefore be considered using ORS rather than water alone. A standardized formulation has made it possible to obtain a rehydration solution with reduced osmolarity (obtained by reducing the glucose and NaCl concentrations) in order to eliminate the possible adverse effects of the hypotonicity of the solution on the absorption of liquids. According to the WHO, these oral rehydration salt solutions are the only justifiable and adequate treatments in adults.
The composition of Hydratis 50+ is in compliance with WHO recommendations (WHO/UNICEF, 2006), and is adapted to the electrolyte needs of the elderly. It should be noted that the composition of Hydratis 50+ is also compliant with the regulations (Regulations 609/2013 and 2016/128 and 2016/127). Dosage variabilities between the different products appear depending on the flavor provided.
In case of dehydration or as a preventative measure, all flavours combined, the method of consumption described on the packaging is to dilute the contents of a Hydratis 50+ sachet in a glass of clean water in 250 mL of low-mineralised water, and to consume the solution in small sips, respecting the quantities determined by the doctor. It is recommended to drink up to 8 sachets per day with 2 litres of water.