Isotonic or hypotonic drink: Endurance, performance and recovery
Endurance, hydration and performance: Exercise drink
Hydration is an important point not to be neglected for endurance athletes. It serves to compensate for water and electrolyte losses. Replenishing these losses with effective hydration will maximize performance since dehydration is one of the main factors responsible for poor performance: discomfort, muscle injuries, cramps, tendinitis, etc.
In this article, we will explain to you why and how to hydrate before, during and after exercise to give yourself the chance of succeeding in your challenge in the best conditions.
Did you know that a loss of 2% of weight (mainly due to water loss) during exercise reduces an athlete's physical capabilities by 20% ?
It is therefore essential to plan your hydration to optimize your sporting performance!
Why drink water rich in electrolytes?
Good hydration helps maintain an ideal body temperature but it is also essential to compensate for losses of nutrients and mineral salts linked in particular to perspiration . In addition, sufficient hydration will make it possible to maximize the supply of carbohydrates (and therefore energy) to the body during exercise.
In fact, the muscle uses glucose as an essential fuel, supplied directly by food.
But, during a long-term effort, the body will also draw on its reserves: we will then use glycogen, considered the athlete's energy reserve. Present in the liver and muscles, glycogen will be able to quickly release glucose into the blood and provide energy to the muscles during physical exercise.
To ensure good performance, it is necessary to build up sufficient glycogen stocks. This begins with diet : It is preferable to consume carbohydrates with a low glycemic index (whole grains, lentils, basmati rice, etc.) and fibers (vegetables, fruits) which will optimize the storage of the glycogen.
But building an optimal glycogen stock also requires hydration. In fact, to store 1 g of glycogen you need 3 g of water , hence the importance of good hydration .
The role of electrolytes?
Electrolytes are mineral salts that include: sodium, potassium, calcium and magnesium .
They are essential for proper cellular functioning and must be replaced when they are eliminated, particularly during exercise (through sweating or urine). It is therefore necessary to drink a drink enriched with electrolytes .
This will improve the absorption of water and carbohydrates in the intestine. This water absorption promotes rehydration and allows the ingested liquid to be better preserved.
Indeed, electrolytes carry an electrical charge and play an essential role in maintaining water balance inside and outside cells so that muscles and organs can continue to function well, allowing ensure good hydration.
Starting physical activity with maximum water reserves will allow you to avoid or, at least, delay dehydration. It will therefore be very important to hydrate well during (at least) the entire week preceding the competition (at a minimum of 2L of water per day spread over the day).
A simple way to estimate your hydration is to monitor the color of your urine . Urine that is too dark most often means that hydration is insufficient, while lighter urine indicates a good level of hydration.
Training is also an opportunity to measure your fluid needs. For example, you can weigh yourself before and after a session. The difference in weight then indicates the water loss generated by the effort.
In theory, it is between 0.6-0.8 L per hour. It will therefore be up to you to adjust your hydration according to your own water losses , for example, if you calculate a loss of 500g for a certain intensity and duration, this will allow you to assess that it is necessary for you to drink at least 500ml of drink for the same effort and duration.
For an endurance effort, we recommend consuming an electrolyte-based drink which will compensate for losses in carbohydrates, mineral salts and electrolytes.
Tip: Take advantage of your training sessions before your competition to test your drink and find the one that suits you.
It is important not to forget that thirst is felt when dehydration is already well underway. It is recommended to drink small amounts often, rather than a large amount from time to time. This will ensure continuous hydration throughout the exercise and avoid dehydration.
A dose of approximately 100 to 200 ml every 15 to 20 minutes is recommended. There is no point in drinking too much, because above 750 ml/h the stomach can no longer assimilate the water ingested.
You should also avoid drinking water that is too cold (<10°C) which can cause stomach cramps and diarrhea.
For very long tests, we also recommend the intake of fructose and glucose .
You can also increase energy intake by taking a drink containing amino acids (BCAA) . This makes it possible to use other absorption and transformation channels because the carbohydrate sectors can end up being saturated.
Remember to have a water bottle with you throughout the effort. For a 500ml bottle add two tablets for optimal hydration!
Warning : Carbonated drinks are not recommended because they can cause bloating as well as gastric and intestinal discomfort.
In the first minutes after exercise, it is important to rehydrate quickly .
A quantity of 0.4 L in half an hour drunk in small sips or in two doses is more than sufficient.
Once the feeling of thirst has passed, you can start ingesting an electrolyte-based drink or a solid food to replenish glycogen and electrolyte (mineral salts) stocks.
Warning: Beer, tea and coffee are not recommended as they are diuretics, which would cause a loss of water greater than intake (to be avoided during the rehydration phase).
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