Hot and cold climate and the impact on our hydration needs
Temperature changes and particularly hot or cold climates are very dehydrating for our bodies. It is important to understand the impact of these climates on our body and the tips to remember to avoid dehydration .
So what are the mechanisms involved? What are the right reflexes to adopt?
Warm climate
A hot climate causes your body's core temperature to increase .
This results in a higher rate of sweating, leading to a loss of fluid and electrolytes. It is through sweating that our body cools itself.
When the outside temperature is too high, our body has difficulty cooling itself effectively. This can lead to heat exhaustion , among other things.
Engaging in physical work or endurance exercises in high heat will increase the risk of dehydration . This will accelerate the rate at which your body loses fluids and lead to dehydration , especially if electrolytes are not replenished.
You must therefore hydrate continuously to counter dehydration in hot weather, whatever your activity level. This will lower your body temperature and replace the fluid and minerals you lose through sweating. Water enriched with electrolytes should therefore be preferred and should be drunk before reaching the thirst stage.
Here are some tips to avoid dehydration in hot weather:
✓ You can flavor your water if it helps you drink more, which will allow you to combine pleasure and hydration.
✓ Don't wait until you're thirsty to drink and always have water available .
✓ Prefer to stay in a cool place (or at least in the shade outside).
✓ Eat fruits and vegetables rich in water and mineral salts (cucumber, watermelon, etc.) throughout the day for even more hydration.
✓ Avoid drinks that contain caffeine or other stimulants , they are not a suitable rehydration fluid since they are diuretics.
✓ Avoid the sun in the middle of the day, focus on exercising early in the morning or in the evening instead.
✓ Wear sunscreen and a hat , sunburn prevents your body from cooling properly.
✓ Wear thin, loose clothing , this allows good air circulation, which helps perspiration evaporate.
Cold climate
We must not neglect the effect of the cold which creates the same risks of dehydration as a heatwave!
Contact of the skin with air induces a natural phenomenon of evaporation , part of the water contained in the skin evaporates. When it is cold, the air is drier, and water loss through the skin is increased.
In addition, the cold causes the blood vessels present on the surface of the skin to contract . This induces a reduction in blood flow as well as the quantity of water carried by the blood. The skin's natural hydration is therefore less and cannot compensate for the water that evaporates on contact with cold, dry air.
In cold weather, the body's thirst response is reduced (up to 40% even in cases of dehydration). This happens because our blood vessels constrict when we are cold to prevent blood from flowing freely to the extremities. This allows the body to conserve heat by drawing more blood to its heart.
In winter, dehydration is further accentuated due to the temperature variations experienced by the body when it constantly goes from hot to cold. Heating also contributes to increasing water loss.
In cold weather, we lose more fluid through respiratory water loss . For example, when you can see your own breath, it's actually water vapor that your body is losing. The colder the temperature and the more intense the exercise, the more vapor you lose when you breathe.
Sweat evaporates more quickly in cold air. We often think that we don't sweat in cold, dry weather because it tends to evaporate so quickly. This is another factor that can contribute to decreased thirst .
Here are some tips to avoid dehydration in cold weather:
✓ Ensure good hydration of the skin : Apply morning and evening a moisturizing cream (and a moisturizing lip balm) which will limit the loss of surface water by retaining it in the cells of the upper layer of the skin. the epidermis.
✓ Make sure you drink enough : 6 to 8 glasses per day in the form of water, herbal tea, broth, etc.
✓ Avoid sudden temperature variations : frequent changes from hot to cold and vice versa accentuate dehydration. Favor wearing several layers of clothing which can be removed or added as needed. The goal is to maintain a uniform temperature .
✓ Avoid overheating the home : Air that is too hot and too dry can increase dehydration. You must be able to control the temperature in your home. You need to be able to humidify the ambient air; using an air humidifier is a tip that helps slow down dehydration. You should also avoid showers and baths that are too hot.
Whether in hot and humid weather or in cold and dry weather, good hydration is essential to counter the consequences linked to these climates which are particularly conducive to dehydration. Hydrating yourself correctly, eating a balanced diet and following our advice will allow you to stay well hydrated all winter and all summer .
The Hydratis solution
HYDRATIS , in addition to providing you with mineral salts and trace elements , allows water to be absorbed more quickly and efficiently. A Hydratis tablet added to your water will allow you to optimize its absorption and maximize your hydration .